Thank You

27 Feb by Jody Proudfit

Hey all…
It was great to see most of you this weekend at Peek n Peak. We had some new competitors come out and be part of the fun.

This group did really well and it was a lot of fun watching the competition.

We also had a small group head to Snowshoe for BX/SX with some really good results there as well.

If you are still looking for events for this season I can help you find an event.

Western New York has Slopestyle and Rail Jams at Greek Peak which is east of Holiday Valley.

App Series has moved their event at Seven Springs to Snowshoe.

I hope that if you receive an invite to USASA Nationals you take advantage of it. Nationals is a fun time to make new friends and push progression.
If you have any questions please reach out via email

Thank you for your support this season. Lets try it again next year!


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